TimeSquare 20_ Best of Boats Award 2021

Futureproof: Frauscher TimeSquare 20

15. November 2021

It’s official – our TimeSquare 20 is the future of nautical e-mobility! That is, according to the jury at the Best of Boats Award 2021, where we claimed first place in the ‘Best for Future’ category. 

It’s electrifying! That feeling when years of work culminate in recognition from international experts. Why is this award such an honour for us?
Because the Best of Boats (BoB) is not only one of the largest European awards for motorboats but also makes the international jury its decision according to standards that are specifically relevant for boat owners. The category ‘Best for Future’, recognises ground-breaking technologies with awareness for sustainability and the responsible use of resources.

About the award
The Best of Boats Award was launched in 2014 by journalists from several countries and from various publishers. They are united by their depth of experience as boat testers and their focus on the practical needs of boat users.

Frauscher - engineers of emotions