Porsche Club Monasteria

When the racer of the street meets the racer of the water!

5. July 2021

Last month, the Frauscher Bootswerft GmbH & Co KG was visited by the Porsche Club Monasteria e.V.

They paid a visit to the shipyard with a total of 23 Porsche friends in the course of their 45th club anniversary, which took them through the Salzkammergut region to Vienna.
And as the headline already implies – what would be a better fit than a “Meet & Greet” between the “Racer of the street” and the “Racer of the water”?
Actually, not much, which is why Frauscher was all the more pleased about this visit and in the course of it immediately exchanged insider knowledge from the car and boat industry.
After a guided tour through the production, the excursion ended with a boat trip on the beautiful lake Traunsee.

Thank you very much for visiting us!

Frauscher - engineers of emotions